Overweight. Insulin resistance. Pancreatic insufficiency.

Surpoids. Résistance à l'insuline. Insuffisance pancréatique.


Main problem:

Enzyme deficiency - lack of proteases and lipases for the digestion of fats and proteins.

Cause :

- Inflammation of the pancreas and insufficiency due to carbohydrate overload (fast carbohydrates and alcohol).

Solution :

- Exclusion of fast carbohydrates and alcohol from the diet.

- Introduction of a balanced and anti-inflammatory diet. If you wish, you can consult an example of a balanced diet by following the link provided ⬇️⬇️⬇️.

I take awareness

It is difficult to give up fast carbohydrates because they act like a real drug. For problems with insulin resistance, sugar addiction, i.e. inflammation of the pancreas, the following supplements are recommended:


Helps improve insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar levels. Forms: taurate, glyceinate and biglycinate, 200 mg in the evening.

Initially, enzymes can help improve digestion. These have very specific functions which make it possible to transform the food ingested. Thus, food becomes more digestible and easier to assimilate by the body.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Reduce inflammation and may improve blood lipid levels. This is why your breakfasts are based on maximum intake of omega-3 from food.

Vitamin D: Improves immune system function and may increase insulin sensitivity. The best free way is to walk in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes a day. Natural sources include cod liver oil and cod liver.

Adding cinnamon to cottage cheese or coconut yogurt as a snack is a great way to combat sugar addiction.

Berberine: Alkaloid that helps improve glucose and lipid metabolism.

Probiotics: Improve gut health, which may contribute to overall metabolic health.

  • Ideal to accompany a slimming diet intended to burn your fat and reduce your waistline.

  • Recognized probiotic that contributes to the maintenance of a normal intestinal microbiota .

  • Many studies show promising results regarding its ability to reduce abdominal fat.

If you would like to consult the list of vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements necessary for rapid recovery, you can use the link provided below⬇️⬇️⬇️

I become aware

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Estomac. Faible et forte acidité. Carence en protéines et conséquences.
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