


is for you, if:

- You are tired bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, sugar cravings, mood swings, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, yeast infections, headaches, hair loss, hypothyroidism, distractibility, poor memory, inability to concentrate, anxious thoughts and various types of chronic inflammation

- You dream of living without pain, without medicine, without doctors

- Want to know how to balance your diet to feel full without stomach heaviness

- You aspire to a healthy lifestyle

- You want to improve the condition of your body, face and hair

- Are you wondering how to improve your well-being and live a long healthy life without wasting time and money on doctors, medications, operations


Jolliet Natallia, dietician and visceral therapist, trusted by 55,000 subscribers on Instagram.

- 10 years of practice and study in alternative approaches, 12 years of practice as a beautician.

- More than 3000 successful consultations based on an anti-inflammatory menu.

- My family and I have lived without medication , without pain and without doctors for 8 years.

My balanced menu
anti-inflammatory “Prodetox”
was developed during my 8 years of practice in alternative medicine. It has helped my clients overcome many serious illnesses, and I hope it will also become your ally on the path to health and longevity.

It is based on FODMAP principles and food dissociation . In my menu, all foods that support inflammation in your gastrointestinal system are minimized: gluten (baked goods), dairy products (made from cow's milk), lectins (mainly legumes and grains ).

Nutrients are the building materials of our body. Imagine your body as a house, where the bricks are proteins and the glue is fats.

If your body can obtain them from food and, above all, assimilate them correctly, you will live in good health and for a long time.

This is the fundamental principle of my nutritional approach: the intake and assimilation of essential nutrients.


- Boiled eggs (2)

- Slice of sourdough bread (with butter)

- Half avocado- Salad leaves (can be dressed with olive oil and lime juice)

- Omelette (2-3 eggs)

- 1/4 or 1/2 avocado

- Slice of sourdough bread (with butter)

- Salad leaves (can be dressed with olive oil and lime juice)

- Fried eggs (2-3 eggs)

- Slice of sourdough bread (with butter)

- Salad leaves (can be dressed with olive oil and lime juice)

- Half avocado

- Any fatty fish ~80 gr (rich in omega 3): salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring

- Slice of sourdough bread (with butter)

- Salad leaves (can be dressed with olive oil and lime juice)

- Half avocado

- Avocado toast or avocado toast:

- 2 poached eggs

- Slice of sourdough bread

- Half avocado

- Salad leaves (can be dressed with olive oil and lime juice)


• Red meat twice a week (beef, lamb, horse)

• Vegetables from the list: (endive, fennel, broccoli, kohlrabi, carrots, celery stalks, zucchini (no more than 2 times per week), red, yellow, orange peppers (no more than 2 times per week))

• Salad leaves (can be dressed with olive oil, lemon or lime)

• Dressing: Olive oil, Himalayan salt + lemon juice/lime/apple vinegar

• Vegetable recommendation: 30% raw, 70% baked or steamed

• Chicken/turkey 2 times a week

• Vegetables from the list: (endive, fennel, broccoli, kohlrabi, carrots, celery stalks, zucchini (no more than 2 times per week), red, yellow, orange peppers (no more than 2 times per week))

• Salad leaves (can be dressed with olive oil, lemon or lime)

• Dressing: Olive oil, Himalayan salt + lemon juice/lime/apple vinegar

• Vegetable recommendation: 30% raw, 70% baked or steamed

• Baked or steamed white fish (lime/lemon, olive oil, salt)

• Vegetables from the list: (endive, fennel, broccoli, kohlrabi, carrots, celery stalks, zucchini (no more than 2 times per week), red, yellow, orange peppers (no more than 2 times per week))

• Salad leaves (can be dressed with olive oil, lemon or lime)

• Dressing: Olive oil, Himalayan salt + lemon juice/lime/apple vinegar

• Vegetable recommendation: 30% raw, 70% baked or steamed

Four hours

- Goat's curd (white cheese) or sheep's cheese with berries, cinnamon, honey optional

- Coconut yogurt with berries and cinnamon, honey optional

- Fruits or berries: pineapple, kiwi, papaya, citrus fruits, banana, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants


• 50-70 g of buckwheat, basmati rice or millet

• Vegetables from the list: (endive, fennel, broccoli, kohlrabi, carrots, celery stalks, zucchini (no more than 2 times per week), red, yellow, orange peppers (no more than 2 times per week))

• Dressing: Olive oil, Himalayan salt + lemon juice/lime/apple vinegar

• Vegetable recommendation: 30% raw, 70% baked or steamed

If you have any questions about the
recovery of your body, you can:

1. Take my free vitamin and mineral deficiency test.

2. Consult my other guides available for free.

Vitamin deficiency test

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