Liver and gallbladder.

Foie et vésicule biliaire.

The main problem is bile stasis, with consequences such as inflammation of the gallbladder and the formation of gallstones. In the long term, this may lead to surgery to remove the gallbladder. After removal of the gallbladder, chronic inflammation of the small intestine may be observed. Below I explain what inflammation in the small intestine leads to.

Cause: unbalanced diet and sedentary lifestyle with a disturbed sleep rhythm.

Emotions: anger and aggression.

Help :
Anti-inflammatory diet. You can view a sample diet to restore liver and gallbladder function via this link ⬇️⬇️⬇️.

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Movement (at least 30-40 minutes of cardio exercise such as Nordic walking and the elliptical bike, to mobilize the shoulder girdle). The liver does not have its own muscles, its functioning depends on the diaphragm and your breathing. So, bile stasis is an indicator of how hard your lungs are working and how well they are able to expand.

Thanks to cardio exercises, the bile becomes fluid and the vessels dilate. Breathing improves and bile flow is optimized. Diaphragmatic practices aimed at opening the diaphragm are also beneficial.

Choleretic herbs to take 15 minutes before each meal: start with gentle herbs like chamomile. This also includes dandelion roots, fumitory and all bitters.

Omega 3. It is not only anti-inflammatory, but also choleretic. The best sources are fatty fish (salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel) and cod liver.

Plant sources: hemp seeds and first cold-pressed vegetable oils (flax, rapeseed, hemp).

The presence of fats is essential in breakfast if you suffer from poor bile flow. After sleep, bile thickens and stagnates in the ducts. Omega-3 stimulates the flow of bile, which prevents inflammatory processes in both the liver and gallbladder.

Vitamin D. Food sources are in principle the same as those for omega-3. Food sources will never replace the sun.

So, walks in the fresh air of 30-40 minutes a day are necessary.

Magnesium in the form of glycinate, bisglycinate, taurinate at 200 mg in the evening one hour before bedtime.

Glutathione is the main amino acid used by the liver for detoxification. It helps improve your body's detoxification process from the first days of the diet.

If you would like to consult the list of vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements necessary for rapid recovery, you can use the link provided below⬇️⬇️⬇️

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