Deficit. Small intestine. Irritable bowel syndrome

Déficit. Intestin grêle. Syndrome de l’intestin irritable

Problem: malabsorption of nutrients due to inflammation. It is in the small intestine that the absorption of all nutrients takes place.

Cause of inflammation:

1. Unbalanced diet
Frequent presence in the diet of irritants for the intestinal mucosa: fast carbohydrates, alcohol, gluten, dairy products (based on cow's milk), lectins (legumes)

2. Gallbladder removed. Therefore, bile enters directly into the small intestine. Bile, produced by the liver, generally has a pH of around 7.4, making it virtually neutral or slightly alkaline. In the gallbladder, where bile is stored and concentrated, the pH drops to 7, making it neutral. And acceptable for the walls of the small intestine.

What to do?

Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet. You can view a sample diet to restore liver and gallbladder function via this link ⬇️⬇️⬇️.

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Additionally, how to help yourself:

Eliminate what further irritates the intestinal mucosa or creates an additional burden: dairy products. Lactose is digested precisely in the small intestine.

Do not further burden your intestine if it is already inflamed (as evidenced by deficiencies, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea). If you can't do without dairy products, choose at least farmhouse goat's cheese or yogurt.

What else irritates the intestinal walls?

Molecules such as gluten and lectin. Gluten is found in grains, while lectins are mainly found in legumes. This is why, in an anti-inflammatory diet, they are limited as much as possible.

Omega 3 and vitamin D promote rapid regeneration of the mucous membrane, just like deep sleep.

It is during deep sleep, from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., that growth hormone is secreted, promoting rapid recovery of the body. This is why I advise my clients with gastrointestinal problems to go to bed before 10:30 p.m. to maximize the effects of growth hormone.

For good sleep, you can use adaptogens: ashwagandha, licorice.

If you have sleep problems , you can also consult my guide on sleep and how to improve it by following this link ⬇️⬇️⬇️ .

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Irritable bowel syndrome is often linked to increased stress. In this case, anti-stress programs can be very beneficial. You can consult them by following this link ⬇️⬇️⬇️ .

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Enzymes are also beneficial for inflammation of the small intestine.

What else can you do to help?


This mineral is essential not only for anemia, but also for digestive problems. It supports stomach acidity and regulates the hormone DHT, which is involved in prostate problems and hair loss.

Natural forms of zinc and its best sources are oysters, mussels, liver and beef.

Vitamin D . The food sources are in principle the same as those for omega-3. Food sources will never replace the sun.

Omega 3. It is not only anti-inflammatory, but also choleretic. The best sources are fatty fish (salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel) and cod liver.

Plant sources: hemp seeds and first cold-pressed vegetable oils (flax, rapeseed, hemp).

If you would like to consult the list of vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements necessary for rapid recovery, you can use the link provided below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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