
The main cause of anemia is protein deficiency. Transferrin, a protein, is the transporter of iron in our body. If you're deficient, there's no point treating anemia with iron supplements.

Protein-free iron acts as a powerful oxidant, which can lead to cancerous diseases. If you are interested in the effect of iron on your body and its dangers if used incorrectly, here are links to articles.


Nutrition Facts

In addition, iron is stored in our body thanks to another protein, ferritin. Transferrin and ferritin are synthesized by the liver.

It is the liver which, through the hormone hepcidin, regulates the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, without restoring liver function, it is useless to treat anemia.

The liver regenerates mainly through an appropriate diet. You can find an example of this type of diet by following this link ⬇️⬇️⬇️.

I take awareness

Iron :

There are two forms of iron: heme and non-heme. Heme iron is better absorbed by our body.

Sources of this form of iron are animal products, especially red meat and particularly liver.

To better absorb red meat, it is best to cook it for a long time, like in a stew. Milk-based sauces and the presence of carbohydrates like cereals hinder iron absorption. Foods rich in vitamin C improve absorption.

This can include herbs like parsley, cilantro, and sour berries like cranberries or red currants. To avoid constipation, diarrhea, nausea or digestive problems linked to iron intake, choose products naturally rich in iron instead.

As already mentioned, iron is not absorbed on its own. In addition to vitamin C, manganese, copper, zinc, B9 and B12 are also necessary.

In the absorption of vitamin B12, a healthy stomach plays a key role. It is the stomach that synthesizes intrinsic factor, a protective covering for B12, so that it can be absorbed in the small intestine, mainly in the ileum, and pass into the blood. If you are interested in the subject of a healthy stomach, you can consult the necessary information by following this link ⬇️⬇️⬇️.

I take awareness

In activating vitamin B9, your microbiota plays a crucial role. This is why the condition of your colon, where your microbiota and beneficial bacteria are synthesized, is so important. In addition to diet, you can add probiotics to your diet. Probiotics from the SuperSmart company are an excellent choice.

- Manganese :
Natural sources of manganese, safe for health, are buckwheat, wild blueberries, walnuts and almonds. Be careful of nuts. Make sure to soak them overnight for better absorption, 4-5 nuts per day is enough.

- Copper :
The best sources are liver, cocoa (dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa is the best choice).

Zinc :
This mineral is essential not only for anemia, but also for digestive problems. It supports stomach acidity and regulates the hormone DHT, which is involved in prostate problems and hair loss.

Natural forms of zinc and its best sources are oysters, mussels, liver and beef.

In the fight against anemia it is also necessary

Magnesium :
Magnesium is a supplement that can be taken continuously. Here's how to choose the form of magnesium based on your problems:
Glycinate - for sleep disorders, leg cramps and anxiety states.

Magnesium taurate - for biliary drainage, heart problems and insulin resistance.

Magnesium threonate - the only form of magnesium that crosses the blood-brain barrier, improving memory and learning.

Magnesium citrate - this form can have a laxative effect, so if you are prone to constipation, it is for you. It is also alkalizing, which is beneficial in cases of urolithiasis or cavities.

Magnesium malate - the best form for those who lack energy. This is the only form to take in the morning. It is ideal for athletes, as it relieves cramps and muscle spasms.

If you would like to see the list of vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements needed for rapid recovery, you can use the link provided below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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